
Starter code for the Duke project

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User Guide

Duke chatHub is a chatbot that help users manage their tasks.

A User can simply add, delete or markdone a task via specific commands.

Table of Contents

Will update soon!


Add a task

The User can add a task. There are 3 type of tasks: Todo, Event and Deadline.

  1. To add a Todo task: Todo [description]
  2. To add a Deadline task: Deadline [description] /by [DateTime]
  3. To add a Event task: Event [description] /at [DateTime]

    Delete a task

    The User can delete a task. To delete a task, type command: delete [Task Number]

    Mark done a task

    The User can mark done a task. To mark done a task, type command: done [Task Number]

    Find a task

    The User can find a task in the list. To find a task with a keyword, type command: find [keyword]

    Show all task

    The User can show the list of all the tasks. To show all tasks, type command: list

    Sort all task

    The User can sort the list of tasks in Date order. To sort the list, type command: sort

    Terminate the programme

    The User can close the programme by simply type ‘bye’ To Terminate, type command: bye

Example of some usages

Finds a list of tasks from the task list which contains [keyword]. Example of usage: find homework\ Sample Expected outcome: \ Great, I have found 1 tasks that match your keyword: 8:[T][x] CS2103 homework